Let’s hear a tale about “INNOVATION” together.
Once there was a merchant of teak. He had many workers for cutting the trees. One day he appointed some new workers for cutting wood. One of them was very active in doing his job. He was cutting trees more acutely than other fellow workers.
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The master was very pleased with him. He used to give him extra money for his work. After some days, he noticed that he couldn’t cut trees as he used to, his speed slackened, and he couldn’t cut the trees more sharply. He was very confused about it but couldn’t get its solution.
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At last, he went to his master and expressed his problem. His master said, “Reason is very simple, when I gave you the axe, it was very new, had sharp edges, and would cut the trees with precision but as time passed by, the axe lost its sharpness. you have to sharpen the edge with tools but you didn’t.”
The woodcutter understood the reason, he sharpened its edge and was successful to gain his earlier speed of cutting the wood.
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The value of the story: In every work, there should be constant innovation, if we depend on routine patterns, we cant improve the quality of our work, we should always insist on new ideas and innovations in our work.
Source: https://englishwithpk99.in/inspiring-story-for-success-aspirants/
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