Let’s hear a tale about “RESPONSIBILITY” together.
Once during a certain college, there was a professor, he was very fashionable among the scholars as he was very kind to the scholars. He wont to understand them, solve their problems, and respect their emotions.
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One day while teaching he noticed that one of the scholars appeared to be very upset and disturbed. He visited him and asked the rationale of his annoyance. The concerned student said,” My life is filled with problems, I do not skills to tackle them, I try my best to unravel them but I can’t.”
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The professor took him to his home. After a while, he came with tomato soup for him. Because the student tasted it, he tasted it very salty, and the professor asked him,” What happened?” the scholar replied,” It’s somewhat salty.” The professor said,” Don’t be concerned, I’ll prepare once more for you.”
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The student said, ” No sir, just give me the salt, and I’ll make it balanced.” The professor said,” You’ve got got the answer to your problems, life is like this soup.” He added,” There are many salt-based problems in our life but we’ve to feature sugar-based experiences to our life, then see our life are going to be balanced.” the scholar was satisfied with this instance and shed his stress.
The value of the story: Life is like soup, if there’s salt in the soup and if we add somewhat sugar, soup is going to be tasty, within the same way if we add some sweet moments or deeds to our life, our life is going to be comfortable and balanced.
Source: https://englishwithpk99.in/talking-about-others-is-a-waste-of-time/
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