Let’s hear a tale about “GREED” together.
An old Stork lived on the side of a fish pond. He was too old to fish any longer, and he had to come up with an idea for food. Suddenly, he had a great idea.
He stood in the water with a sad face. A crab came up to him and asked him why he was so unhappy.
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The Stork said, “I’ve heard that this pond is going to dry up soon and now I have to fly away to another pond.”
Concerned, the crab asked the stork to save the animals in the pond as well.
He would take a couple of fish in his beak and fly away towards another pond. Once he reached far out of sight of the pond, he would eat them. He did this many times.
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Now it was the crab’s turn. As they were flying the crab looked down but could not see a pond however he saw a lot of fish bones. The crab immediately realized what was happening and grabbed the stork’s throat tight with his sharp claws. The stork struggled to get free. But the crab held on. Soon the stork fell to the ground. The crab crawled back to his pond to tell the story to the rest of the pond creatures.
The value of the story: Too much greed is bad for you and will only cause you harm.
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Source: https://astrumpeople.com/inspirational-short-stories/
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