Let’s hear a tale about GRACEFULNESS together.
Though she was one of the smallest creatures in the forest, the little ant was always determined to do her best. No matter how hard the task was, she would never give up – even when her friends told her it was impossible.
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There was a dense forest in which a group of ants leaves there. in the morning they came out in search of their food. Throughout the day they collect food and store it in their food storage. They were leaving peacefully in that dense forest.
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One day, a huge tree fell across the path that the ants used to travel to their food storage. It was so big that there seemed to be no way around it. So how she can reach for its food and feed her?
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But the little and didn’t give up – she started digging underneath the tree until she finally created a tunnel for her fellow ants to use.
Thanks to her determination, the ants were able to keep going – and they learned that nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it.
The value of The Story: We must not focus on what the problem is. We must focus on the solution to each problem then we can leave our life gratefully.
Source: https://storiesforkidsbedtime.com/inspirational-stories-for-kids-motivational-stories-for-kids-in-english/
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