Let’s hear a tale about “ATTACHMENT IS BONDAGE” together.
Kakbhushundi ji once had a desire to know whether there is such a long-lived person in the world, who is also a scholar but has not attained enlightenment. To find out about this, Maharishi left after taking orders from Vashistha.
Searched the village, searched the city, searched the forests and caves, then somewhere I met a Brahmin named Vidyadhar, on inquiry it came to know that his age had been four kalpas and that he had studied the Vedas.
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The verses of the scriptures were memorized to him like the name of Rama to a parrot. He used to solve any doubt with pleasure.
Kakbhushundi ji was very happy to meet him, but he was very surprised that despite being so learned, why people do not call Vidyadhar enlightened.
To know this, Kakbhushundi ji quietly started walking behind Vidyadhar. One day Vidyadhar was enjoying a forest residence on the Nilgiri mountain, when he saw the princess of Kanvad coming, captivated by the beauty of women, Vidyadhara forgot the unbridled joy of nature, lust humbled her like a germless snake.
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He followed the princess like a dog to lick the bones of a dead animal. At that time, he had neither knowledge of the scriptures nor the Puranas. He did not even realize the neglect of the princess.
They went after him, and the soldiers understood that this is a mad person, so they caught him and put him in prison.
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Kakbhushundi asked Vidyadhar, who was in prison – “Munivar! You, being so learned, could not understand that attachment is the only bondage of self-knowledge.”
“If you were not sexually attached, why would this plight be today.”! On hearing this, Vidyadhar’s eyes of knowledge opened and he became enlightened.
The value of the story: The story shows us that the pursuit of true wisdom and enlightenment involves mastering not just intellectual knowledge but also mastering the self. By overcoming desires and attachments, one can achieve a state of liberation and true understanding.
Source: https://wonderhindi.com/best-motivational-short-story-english/
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