Let’s hear a tale about “DISEASES” together.
It is about the time when diseases used to live on a mountain. The mountain would raise her like her own daughter. Sickness accepted his grace and was willing to do any favors, but the mountain did not need his services.
A few days passed. A farmer faced some shortage of cultivable land. And there was no land anywhere because the mountain itself was standing on a lot of ground. That’s why the hardworking farmer got involved in cutting the mountain and making it flat.
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The farmer made a lot of lands cultivable. Seeing this, other farmers also gathered. The number of farmers soon reached hundreds. Seeing such a continuous body cut, the mountain panicked and started looking for ways to protect itself.
And he could not understand anything – yes, he did remember the diseases growing in his coat. So he collected all the diseases and asked – will you guys repay our favors?!’
The diseases had already been told. He said – “You may gladly order, What can we serve you?” The mountain pointed to the farmers using shovels and spade and said – “Daughters! Look, here are my enemies, they are cutting me into ruins. All of you, pounce on them and annihilate those who destroy me.”
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The diseases progressed with their respective weapons and engulfed the bodies of the peasants. But the farmers were busy in their tune.
The faster the shovels were used, the more sweating would come out and all the diseases would have been washed away and fallen. Took a lot of effort, but one disease did not last. Leaving a good place, he had to become a filth-dweller, so different.
When the mountain saw that diseases could not protect him, he became very angry and cursed – “I raised you like daughters, yet you could not do even a little work for me. Stay where you are now.”
Since then, diseases always find shelter in the dirt, and even if they are illiterate and hard work, they lead a healthy life – this rule is going on till now.
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The value of the story: Once, diseases used to live on a mountain, which treated them like their own daughters. However, when farmers came to cut the mountain to make cultivable land, it sought help from the diseases to protect itself. Despite the diseases’ attempt to attack the farmers, their hard work with shovels and spades defeated the diseases, except for one. As a result, diseases retreated to unclean areas, leading to their association with filth ever since. The story illustrates the power of hard work in overcoming challenges and how diseases found refuge in unsanitary places due to their failure to protect the mountain.
Source: https://wonderhindi.com/best-motivational-short-story-english/
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