Let’s hear a tale about “THE ELEPHANT ROPE” together.
This is one of the more popular inspirational stories around, and all with good reason. The elephant rope isn’t only an engaging story, but it is incredibly motivational too.
The story begins with a man, who passed elephants which were tied up. He suddenly stopped in his path and became confused by the fact that such a tiny rope held the massive creatures. Of course, these elephants could escape easily and quickly. Here were no chains, no cages. For some reason, these elephants did not break away from their tiny bit of rope.
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Curiously, he asked the trainer nearby why these elephants just stood there. Why were they not attempting to get away, despite it being clear that they could?
The trainer explained that when the elephants were younger, they were tied to the wall using that same bit of rope. At that age, the rope was strong enough to stop them from escaping. As they grew up, despite getting bigger, they were conditioned to believe that the rope was holding them. They never once tried to break free, because they assumed that the rope could hold them.
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In short, the elephants believed that they couldn’t, so they never tried. This baffled the man. Now, it’s a strong metaphor for what many of us do in everyday life. We often fail once and never try again. We go through life, holding onto a simple belief that we cannot do something because we tried once and it didn’t work out.
The value of the story: Life isn’t about control. It’s about learning, and we should never give up. We have to keep trying. Otherwise, we will metaphorically be trapped and contained. If something prevented you the first time you tried, don’t let that make you lose hope.
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Source: https://astrumpeople.com/inspirational-short-stories/
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