The book is written for people who have tried and failed to achieve success and have no one on their side. Don’t fear, there are thousands of individuals out there who are in the same boat as you; we don’t like to talk about failure because we are terrified of accepting it.
However, after reading this book, you will have a different perspective: the more you fail, the more you succeed. The book will highlight a different aspect of success: people who have succeeded have failed many times more than we have. As a result, you must DARE TO FAIL.
About the Author
The author of the book “Dare to fail” is Mr. Billi P.S. Lim – a Malaysian businessman and founder of the Hardknocks Institute (Society of “Those Who Are Hard to Fail”) and the popular seminar program “Born to be Free”.
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The content of the book
He told his life with big occurrences in the first four chapters of the book. He had a rough childhood filled with violence and inequity. A major turning point in his life occurred when he was drawn to the book “Think and Grow Rich” (by author Napoleon Hill, which has had a worldwide impact) about how to succeed and grow and obtain his objectives.
As a result, he chose to run for the highest position in the Malaysian University Student Association’s Presidium because he believed it was “the proper location for me.” Even though he had no understanding of why the Student Union was created or what the secretary’s duties were, he was remarkably successful, receiving the third-highest total votes and becoming the secretary of the Student Union. He only wanted to assert himself. And he was well-known! His life was altered by the book “Think and Grow Rich” and the program “Dare to be Great.”
He perceives “emptiness” in his prosperity, despite the fact that he is dissatisfied with his current status. His firm fell, his success suffered as a result of his trust being eroded, but he suddenly felt delighted, excited because he knew where he had gone wrong and he knew how to fix it. Now I’m feeling my “true” success once more.
The author discusses the great value of failure in the remaining 12 chapters of the book, accompanied by true stories of examples considered to be world greats because “the more failures, the greater they become,” thereby successfully instilling in the reader a more positive and straightforward way of thinking about failure and not being afraid of failure.

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The following quotations are drawn from various chapters of the book.
Chapter 7: Fear of failure
“The higher the risk, the better the opportunity because just a few people are willing to take on such a challenge.”
“Those who don’t have the courage to start are already done.”
Chapter 13: Pains, troubles, difficulties and sufferings
“At times, life is hard, as hard as crucible steel. It has its bleak and painful moments. Like the ever-flowing water of a river, life has its moments of drought and its moments of flood. Like the ever-changing cycle of the seasons, life has the soothing warmth of the summers and the piercing chill of its winters. But through it all, God walks with us. Never forget that God is able to lift you from the fatigue of despair to the buoyancy of hope, and transform dark and desolate valleys into sunlit paths of inner peace.”
_Martin Luther King JR._
“Success is evaluated by the hurdles a person overcomes with his talent, not by the heights he climbs.”
When it comes to a problem, “it becomes a predicament if you look at it directly and try to get out of it.” The “problem” becomes a “challenge” if we continue to study it and consider how we may conquer it. And it becomes an “opportunity” when we consider the prospect of winning it. As a result, a real difficulty can be turned into an opportunity!”
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Chapter 15: When it all fails
“When an archer misses the mark, he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit the bullseye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim – improve yourself.”
_Gilbert Arland_
“The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.”
Albert Einstein
Reviews of the book
The book also has helped to realize one thing: “Failure is not defeated, but experience to get up, dust off, and more determined than ever to reach the objective,” with simple, short, and succinct phrases and typical examples. This book is on your side if you’ve tried and failed before. If you take the risk of failing, you’ll have a better chance of succeeding. Billi P.S. Lim also wishes to convey this message to us.
Dare To Fail is a book that provides us with many essential ideas and messages. Try to persevere, conquer yourself, keep positive, and always be willing to accept, but be prepared to stumble and storm, since the sun will shine again after the rain. We will triumph if we change our perspective – “Failure is the mother of success.”
Collection & Edit by Marketing Dept from Team Happy Leader Community – Shasu Group
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