Let’s hear a tale about “RESPONSIBILITY” together.
Once in a certain country, there was a sculptor who made idols. He had excellent perfection in making idols. His idols were very fashionable in therein city. many of us want to come to ascertain the idols and want to appreciate idols. Listening to the people’s appreciation, the sculptor wont to be very happy and proud. Now he reached his adulthood but he didn’t want to die. He decided to cheat the death cap.
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One day he had to die but he wanted to measure more. He had a thought. He made 10 idols exactly like his appearance.
After some days, as he expected the death cap came to require his life but the artist hid himself within the row of the idols. The death cap was confused to ascertain eleven idols. He knew that the artist must be hidden among them but he couldn’t spot him. He had a thought.
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He went to one of the idols and said, “Here is that the idol, the artist made an excellent mistake.” because the sculptor listened to this, he came out of the row and said, “No, not in the least, all the idols are perfect.” The death cap spotted him and took his soul away.
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The value of the story: Our pride is sometimes responsible for our destruction.
Source: https://englishwithpk99.in/22-a-motivational-story-pride-always-falls/
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