Let’s hear a tale about THE ROLE OF EDUCATION together.
In the past, only the wealthy participated in the Yamunanagar elections. Those who stood for election would do anything to win, whether it was distributing food or money.
The one who distributed a lot of money won the elections and then exploited the poor and illiterate.
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In the same city lived a wise and educated man. He told all the townspeople the whole scenario. He explained, “Everyone lures you in with money before the election, and after you win, you take advantage and don’t even develop the city.”
That is why he expressed his desire to contest the elections in front of the citizens of the city, assuring them that if he won, he would develop the city.
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Other candidates tried very hard to defeat him, but his will was very strong and luckily he won the elections. After winning the elections, he did a lot for the development of the city. Now the people of the city were very happy.
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Moral of the story: This story shows that if we are educated and strong-willed, we can do anything. And, education is the gateway of development. short motivational stories for students.
Source: https://motivationrich.com/short-motivational-stories-for-students/
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