Let’s hear a tale about “MONEY IS NOT RIGHT HERE, RIGHT SOMEWHERE ELSE” together.
A man had a lot of wealth, but by nature he was miserly. He could neither eat nor drink himself nor could he give it to anyone. He did not keep his money in the house so that no thief-robber could steal it. So he buried all his wealth by digging a pit in a forest outside the village. On the second or third day, he would go and see that place silently. He was very proud of himself.
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Once a thief got suspicious, he followed the miser silently and came sneaking up. It did not take him long to understand that something valuable must have been buried at this place.
When the miser came home after circling, the thief got all the money by digging and got away from there.
The next day when the miser again went to see his hidden wealth, he saw the ground carved. There was a heap of mud around and an empty pit in the middle. All his money was gone. He could not bear such a great loss.
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Holding his head, he started crying loudly – “Hi I was robbed, thieves took away all my life’s earnings.” Hearing the cries and shouts, many people living nearby came to the forest. He inquired and inquired about the whole situation.
A man said while explaining – “Seth ji! Money had not come to your work even before and could not come into your life. Yes, you must have had a right over it and left it hidden here.
Now if the money went from here to some other place, then what was your loss, because it was useless for you, that’s why you used to bury it. What is the need to be sad in such a situation.”
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The value of the story: The story illustrates the consequences of extreme miserliness and how clinging excessively to wealth without putting it to use can lead to emptiness and disappointment. It also emphasizes the importance of utilizing one’s resources wisely and finding a balance between saving for the future and using wealth to improve one’s life and the lives of others.
Source: https://wonderhindi.com/best-motivational-short-story-english/
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