Let’s hear a tale about PROBLEM-FACING together.
There was a pond between two different towns. Its water was very clean and sweet. Both towns were called Vijayanagar and Sangrampur. The townspeople used to come here sometimes to drink water because they also had their pond in the town. Once in the summer, the ponds in these two towns dried up, but the pond in the middle of the town did not dry up. It was always full. In such a situation, the people of both villages began to draw water from this pond. Due to this, one day a dispute arose between the residents of both towns, and now both wanted to claim their right to the lagoon.
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The chiefs of both towns decided that they would decide after the war. In such a situation, the two heads went to a monk and asked which of them would win. Then the monk said that the people of Vijay Nagar would win. Hearing this, the people of Sangrampur became sad but still thought of fighting. The next day, the two had an argument. The people of Vijay Nagar did not fight properly because the monk said they would win. But the people of Sangrampur fought with all their might.
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The people of Sangrampur won the battle. All the people were surprised to see that the monk had said that the people of Vijay Nagar would win. But on the contrary, the people of Sangrampur won. So the people from both villages went to the monk and asked him why. Then the monk said, “I did not know which of you two would win. I was just saying that the people of Vijay Nagar will win. In the battle, the people of Vijay Nagar did not consider it necessary to fight properly. They fought the war comfortably, thinking that they would win, but that overconfidence left them drowning. So never have faith.”
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The value of the story: This story tells us that we should be conceited. This story also tells us not to run away out of fear of defeat. If we know the truth, we must face the problem with determination.
Source: https://motivationrich.com/short-motivational-stories-for-students/
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