Although it is great to be guided by others to learn, in reality, your self-study will make the knowledge more sustainable. Therefore, the 4Rs program will show you the best way to be successful learners no matter what type of learning we are undertaking.
What is a Growth Mindset?
Follow Dweck, “A growth mindset is when students understand that their abilities can be developed.”
So, Growth mindset is a way of looking at problems and failures. People with a growth mindset feel that their abilities aren’t fixed, even if they struggle with specific tasks. They believe that by working hard, their abilities would increase with time.
A growth mindset refers to those who feel their talents can be developed (through hard work, excellent strategies, and feedback from others) will be more likely to achieve than individuals who have a more rigid perspective (those who believe their talents are innate gifts).
This is because they are less concerned about appearing intelligent and instead focus their efforts on learning. Employees report feeling significantly more empowered and committed when their organizations adopt a growth mentality, and they also receive far more organizational support for cooperation and creativity.
People in primarily fixed-mindset organizations, on the other hand, report more of one thing: employee cheating and dishonesty, presumably to get an advantage in the talent hunt
What are the 4Rs?
The 4Rs is
- Resilience – The key elements of this disposition are Perseverance, Noticing, Managing Distractions and Absorption.
- Reflectiveness – The key elements of this disposition are Planning, Meta-learning, Distilling and Revising.
- Reciprocity – The key elements of this disposition are Imitation, Interdependence, Listening and Collaboration.
- Resourcefulness – The key elements of this are disposition Questioning, Capitalizing, Making Links, Reasoning and Imagining.

This shared language helps everyone talk about understanding ‘learning to learn’.
Instead of teaching by the maxims of ‘learning styles’, a growing body of research suggests that adopting ‘learning to learn’ strategies helps mentees perform better and realize their learning potential. Rather than delivering content tailored to specific learning styles, mentees are instead encouraged to think about learning more explicitly.
The 4Rs are based on the concepts of meta-cognition. So that, through performance coaching, mentees are taught strategies to set goals in order to monitor and evaluate, and self-regulate their own working.
All of which help mentee to understand their individual learning strengths and weaknesses, and provide them with strategies to utilize during their learning and working processes.
What are the 4R’s for learning behavior?
The 4Rs (Building Learning Power) was created by Professor Guy Claxton. It is founded on the premise that we can all improve our learning skills, and it is closely related to Dweck’s work on creating a growth mindset.
Building Learning Power integrates this concept directly to mentors’ work in the performance coaching, providing a practical framework for encouraging all young people to pursue lifelong learning.
The Four R’s of Learning are four words which describe things that we need to have to be successful learners, whatever type of learning we are doing.
This method encourages you to be creative and allows you to do so.
- Create a learning environment where everyone strives to be a better learner.
- To better grasp the learning process, use clear labeling.
- Without fear of failure, approach learning obstacles.
- Become more self-assured and ambitious.
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Benefit of 4Rs
Using 4Rs program in performance coaching will help:
- Capitalizes on previous learning-to-learn ideas
- Grows a mentee’s learning character and habits
- Develops the appetite and ability to learn in different ways
- Transforms the culture of the enterprise and the climate of the work
- Shifts responsibility for learning to learn from the mentor to the mentee
- Engages mentor and mentee creatively as researchers in learning
- Helping young people become better learners
- Developing their portable learning power
- Preparing young people for a lifetime of learning

Moreover, Performance Coaching with The 4Rs curriculum will open the door for mentees more closely at their own experiences, and give them clear tools for handling difficult emotions and resolving conflict with their peers.
Parallel to this, mentors also learn strategies they can use throughout the day to create a higher quality performance coaching process in which mentees are focused, settled, and poised to learn.
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