Let’s hear a tale about “WEALTH, GLORY, AND SUCCESS” together.
It was a matter of one day that he was having food in his house when someone knocked on the door. He asked his boy to open the door to see who was outside.
When the boy opened the door, four sages were standing outside. He told the boy his name as wealth, glory, success, and labor respectively, and said that we are hungry. The boy ran and told everything to his father.
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The woodcutter asked to bring the four sadhus inside with respect. The boy went to the door and asked the four sadhus to come inside, But the sadhus put a condition and said that only one of us will go inside and whoever goes inside will take the effect of his name.
The boy again went to his father and told him these things. Now the woodcutter was wondering who to call. The woodcutter’s wife wanted to call success, he wanted to call money.
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Both were distracted, they were not able to think who to call! Then the boy said that we earn and eat by working hard anyway, so why not call labor.
The woodcutter finally agreed. The boy went to the door and asked Shram to come in, but as soon as labor started coming in, the other three sages also started coming back and forth; So the boy asked curiously I have called only labor, then why are you coming inside. The rest gave a very beautiful answer and said that where there will be labor, we will be there.
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The value of the story: This story gives us the same value that if we work hard with a sincere heart, then we get all three wealth, glory, and success.
Source: https://wonderhindi.com/best-motivational-short-story-english/
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