Let’s hear a tale about “CREATIVE THINKING” together.
We’ve all heard the saying, “Think outside of your box.” The saying has become synonymous with creative thinking and innovation. This quality often proves beneficial to people trying to push themselves. This short story is one of the best examples of thinking outside of the box, which can be downright amazing.
This proposal was not desirable for either the daughter or the businessman and was met with disgust.
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However, it came with a twist. The loan shark would place two pebbles into a bag, one would be white, and one would be black. The daughter would then be told to reach into the bag and pick out a pebble.
If the daughter picked the black pebble, the debt would be wiped, but the loan shark would marry her. If the daughter chose the white pebble, the debt would be also wiped, but the daughter would not have to marry the loan shark. The latter is the desirable outcome for both the daughter and the businessman.
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As the loan shark picked up the two pebbles, the daughter noticed that he had picked up two black stones, in an attempt to guarantee his plan.
The daughter then had three choices:
1. Refuse altogether to pick any pebble from the bag.
2. Expose the two black pebbles and the loan shark for cheating.
3. Pick a pebble, which would determine her horrid fate.
The daughter, thinking outside of the box, drew out a pebble and decided to drop the stones “accidentally” on the ground into the midst of the other pebbles. She then told the loan shark that it didn’t matter, as they would all be able to decipher which pebble she picked, by looking at the pebbled left in the other bag.
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The loan shark did not want to be exposed and played along with the fact that the daughter had picked a white pebble. The debt was wiped, and the daughter didn’t have to marry the loan shark.
The value of the story: Use your creative thinking. You can always overcome a tough situation, by stepping outside of the box which it is confined to. You may think you have limited options, but there are creative ways to get around it.
Source: https://astrumpeople.com/inspirational-short-stories/#10-Black-and-White-Pebbles
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