Let’s hear a tale about “HONESTY” together.
You may have heard people talk about a “pound of butter,” which is a short story regarding honesty. The story introduces a farmer who sold one pound of butter to a baker on a regular basis. One day, the baker wanted to check if he was getting the right amount. He quickly realized that he wasn’t, and angrily took the farmer to court.
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When in court, the judge asked the farmer if he was using any unit of measure to weigh the butter. The farmer stated that though he has a scale, he didn’t have a proper measure.
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Baffled, the judge asked how the farmer could possibly measure the amount of butter, witThe farmer replied, by stating that the baker had been selling a pound of bread to the farmer every single day. Almost like an exchange, the farmer used his basic scales and gave the baker the same amount of butter, as the baker gave him bread.
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It soon dawned on the judge that the baker had been lying to the farmer. In turn, the farmer mimicked the weight and accidentally scammed the baker.
The value of the story: In life, you have to be honest. If you try to deceive others, you will be deceived back almost like you get what you give. In terms of inspiration, honesty is always crucial. Don’t attempt to make a little bit more money while lying to others. To gain respect and be treated with fairness and respect, you have to respect and be honest with others. Like the farmer, if you’re completely honest with good intentions, you will always prevail. Also, if you feel like the world is against you, or something is going wrong – honesty and innocence will, just like in the farmer’s case.
Source: https://americanliterature.com/author/the-brothers-grimm/fairy-tale/the-wolf-and-the-seven-little-kids
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