Let’s hear a tale about “YOU RECEIVE WHAT YOU GIVE” together.
Once there was a farmer who, every week, sold a pound of butter to a baker. After several weeks of buying a pound of butter from the farmer, the baker decided to weigh the butter he was receiving to make sure it was a full pound. When the baker weighed it, He learned that the butter weighed less than a pound, which infuriated him. He felt that he was being deceived and decided to take the farmer to court.
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When he was in court, the judge asked the farmer how he was weighing the butter. The farmer said, “Your Honor, I am poor. I don’t have an exact measurement tool. However, I have a scale. “
The judge then asked if the pleasant uses the scale to measure the butter.
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The farmer said, “Your Honor, I even have been buying a 1-pound loaf of bread from the baker since long before he started buying butter from me. Whenever the baker brings me bread, I put it on the size and then measure precisely the same weight in butter to offer it back. So if the baker doesn’t get a pound of butter, he also won’t offer you a pound of bread as promised. “
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The value of the story: You receive what you give. If you try to deceive others with what you promise, you will be received in return. The more honest you are, the easier it will be to trust other people and not suspect that they may be cheating on you in any way. When you are honest, not only will other people trust you, but you will also feel more confident in your trust with others. Honesty is always the best route, especially if you want others to be honest with you, too.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/moral-story-pound-kalpesh-berawala/
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